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Chinese translation for "molecular force"


Related Translations:
molecular:  adj.分子的,由分子形成的,分子内[间]的。adv.-ly
molecular farming:  分子养殖业〔指利用动植物研制药用化合物,亦作 molecular pharming〕。
molecular attraction:  分子引力。
molecular theory:  分子(理)论。
molecular rays:  分子射线。
molecular biology:  分子生物学。
molecular conductivity:  克分子电导[传导]率。
molecular medicine:  分子医学。
molecular sieve:  【物理学】分子筛。
molecular formula:  分子式。
Example Sentences:
1.Why molecules and inter - molecular forces exist can be understood in terms of atoms , inter - atomic forces , and again , qm
2.Up to now , some people represent certain - position transition model in which molecular motors transition are supposed to occur at some fixed positions . the molecular motors are described by m internal states and undergo transitions at k spatial locations within the period of the molecular force potentials
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